Re: maven-jaxb2-plugin

From: Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:10:31 +0300

On 9/12/06, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:
> Hi.
> >> It's 0.1 version right now. After some testing I hope we'll get a
> >> working version into the maven2 repo. This will be
> >> probably the same moment as the maven-jaxb1-plugin release.
> >
> > Thank you for the news.
> >
> > I think people trying different things and innovating is all good. I'll
> > mention both tools in the JAXB website and release notes.
> >
> > While I haven't looked at your plugin in details, it appears to support
> > more options (like debug flag, read-only flag, etc), and presumably
> > it'll also better handle XJC plugins. On the other hand, Jonathan's
> > version seems to have a better documentation.
> Well, it's just 0.1 proof of concept. When Kostis and I have time, we'll
> document it.

Indeed! I'm leaving for a 2-week trip to Barcelona (my summer
vacations), and when i come back, i want to participate into the whole
hyperjaxb3 effort.

Also, in a more technical aspect, there are rumors in the company i
work that in October we will start upgrading from weblogic server 8.1
to 9.1, so at last, it won't be necessary to retrotranslate
everything (remember Koshuke you had asked me to try jaxb-2.x ? now
you see one reason i was a bit reluctant)
> > Finally, I'm just asking this, but from JAXB users' point of view, I
> > think it might be nice if two plugins could join the effort. I don't
> > know if it's possible or not (so I'm just asking), but have you
> > considered that?
> Yes, but it's not the easiest (in terms of time/communication overhead) option
> for me. I've made the plugin in about an hour, plus "testing" and "tests"
> modules - another two hours. It's three hours for the whole job. And I have full
> control. This reduces the overhead drastically and I can go back to the primary
> things like hyperjaxb3.

I think i have to agree with Aleksei, that it is not worth the effort
to combine the 2 plugins, for their code is simple enough. If we
combined them, it would be the dependencies that will be a major
problem (maven does not support yet virtual dependency sets).
Documentation would also be a burden.

Finally, i want to thank Aleksei for Hyperjaxb2 project. I think it
is a pragmatic alternative pattern to using Entity-EJBs. My wishes to
succeed with Hyperjaxb3.


> Bye.
> /lexi
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