Re: Creating JAXBContext with Multiple Package References

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:49:45 +0200

Javadoc of JAXBContext.newInstance( String contextPath,...):

"The client application must supply a context path which is a list of
colon (':', \u003A) separated java package names that contain
schema-derived classes..."

JAXBContext.newInstance( "" )


On 26 April 2011 00:25, Justin Randall <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an XML schema project which attempts to develop a generic XML schema for implementing XML-based messaging services.
> The idea is that the same key XML structures for messages, operations, results are re-used by individual implementations XML messaging services for various autonomous systems.  The "parent" XML XSD is GenericXmlMessaging.xsd (namespace "") which contains two abstract complexTypes: GenericXmlRequest and GenericXmlResponse.  An example implementation is ExampleImplXmlMessaging.xsd (namespace "") which contains various extensions of GenericXmlRequest/GenericXmlResponse representing actual operations/responses (i.e. [type="LoginRequest", base="GenericXmlRequest"], [type="LoginResponse", base="GenericXmlResponse"], [type="LogoutRequest", base="GenericXmlRequest"], [type="LogoutResponse", base="GenericXmlResponse"], etc.).
> When compiling the XSDs into Java no errors occur and everything under namespace "" is packaged under "com.example.www.xml" and everything under namespace "" is packaged under "com.example.www.exampleimpl".
> The problem I'm having is when trying to marshall/unmarshall XML content.  When creating a JAXBContext using newInstance ("com.example.www.exampleimpl"), attempting to marshall an XML message throws an exception because GenericXmlRequest/GenericXmlResponse aren't defined, however when creating a JAXBContext using newInstance ("com.example.www.xml") attempting to marshall an XML message succeeds, however the actual content from the "" is empty.  If I recompile the XSDs to produce everything under a single java package "com.example.www.exampleimpl" and use that package name when creating the new JAXBContext then everything works fine.
> Is it possible to specify multiple java package names when creating JAXBContext instances?  Are there any other solutions I'm unaware of that would allow a single JAXBContext to marshall/unmarshall objects belonging to multiple namespaces/java-packages?
> Regards,
> Justin Randall