Re: CodeModel : how to generate System.err.println()

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 15:00:48 -0800

Benoit Callebaut wrote:
> Hello,
> While working on my plugin I was blocked on the following problem.
> I converted the following statement into XML : System.out.println(...);
> It gives :
> < <invocation method="*println*">
> - <#> <namespace name="*err*">
> <namespace name="*System*" />
> </namespace>
> <argument type="*String*" value="*NameService did not start
> successfully"*" />
> </invocation>
> I travel the XML code recursively and I can generate the CodeModel
> elements while I enter the XML node or when I leave it.
> How can I generate the code model element for that snippet ?
> The problems are :
> 1) I don't know if "err" is a field of "System" or a class on which I
> can invoke the static method "println".
> 2) I don't know if "System" is a package or a class.
> Does it exist a way to query the CodeModel for such information ?

Not really. I think you'd have to ask whoever typing those XML to give
that to you.

But do you really want the person to be programming by using XML?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems