CodeModel : how to generate System.err.println()

From: Benoit Callebaut <>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:49:54 +0100

While working on my plugin I was blocked on the following problem.

I converted the following statement into XML : System.out.println(...);
It gives :
< <invocation method="*println*">
- <#> <namespace name="*err*">
         <namespace name="*System*" />
      <argument type="*String*" value="*NameService did not start
successfully"*" />

I travel the XML code recursively and I can generate the CodeModel
elements while I enter the XML node or when I leave it.

How can I generate the code model element for that snippet ?
The problems are :
 1) I don't know if "err" is a field of "System" or a class on which I
can invoke the static method "println".
 2) I don't know if "System" is a package or a class.

Does it exist a way to query the CodeModel for such information ?