Re: noob question

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 23:56:49 +0200


> Thanks for your response. Is there a single complete correct code sample
> that shows how to use XSOM? The one on the site is neither complete (it
> doesn't show what to set for contentHandler) nor correct (it suggests using
> parseSchema, instead of parse).

I've attached few test classes from the XSOM project
(, hope this helps.

> P.S. The amount of time i've spent trying to use jaxb to parse schema is now
> longer than it would have taken me to write a schema parser. That's got to
> say something about the state of documentation.

This is the case when the price for using the technology is
understanding how it works.
Does not seem unfair to me. :)
