Thanks for your response. Is there a single complete correct code sample
that shows how to use XSOM? The one on the site is neither complete (it
doesn't show what to set for contentHandler) nor correct (it suggests using
parseSchema, instead of parse).
Best wishes,
P.S. The amount of time i've spent trying to use jaxb to parse schema is now
longer than it would have taken me to write a schema parser. That's got to
say something about the state of documentation.
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:41 PM, Aleksei Valikov <> wrote:
> Hi.
> > Actually, i found the documentation. i see how to use it, now. However, i
> > still think that it would be more consistent and provide a valuable
> quality
> > assurance check if you could run jaxb on the schema schema and verify
> that
> > the result is essentially iso to jaxb itself.
> To give advice on whether certain tool is applicable or not if would
> be nice to know, what the goal is, and what the particular tasks are.
> What do you want to do with the schemas after you've parsed them?
> My hint on using XSOM is just some general advice from my practice.
> The thing is, if you need some a bit more complex processing of
> schemas (like, found out what the individual values of enumerations
> are or what is the structure of some constraint), you intelligent
> objects and intelligent structures. What you could generate with JAXB
> are quite plain schema-derived classes, they won't provide you with
> things like visitors or well-aligned inheritance.
> So it would generally make more sense to use schema-specific library
> to process schemas rather than plainly generate schema-derived
> classes. XSOM is just an example of such a library.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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