custom xjc plugin fails when my tags appear at both complexType and element appinfo

From: Tim Drury <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 10:52:55 -0400

I'm writing a JAXB plugin (using xjc/jaxb 2.1.6 jars) to process some
additional metadata in our schemas and generate some properties files. When
my custom tag, <crud:dataObject>, appears only under the complexType
declarations, it works fine. But when add another tag <crud:template> I get
an error.

Here is a schema snippet that fails:

<xs:complexType name="Status">
        <xs:element ref="site">
* <!-- works if this is commented out -->*
                    </crud:template> *

here is the error xjc throws:

[xjc] [ERROR] compiler was unable to honor this crud:template customization.
It is attached to a wrong place, or its inconsistent with other bindings.
[xjc] line 51 of file:/C:/work/ref/apps/pd/do/src/schema/Foo.xsd

[xjc] [ERROR] (the above customization is attached to the following location
in the schema)
[xjc] line 48 of file:/C:/work/ref/apps/pd/do/src/schema/Foo.xsd

In my plugin, isCustomizationTagName() returns true for any tag matching my
"crud" namespace and run() acknowledges them all.

Am I not allowed to have customizations at both the <xs:complexType> and its
<xs:element>s? Is there another way to do this? I need information at both
levels for the output file I'm writing. I can't put the <crud:template>
information at element's definition (its complexType or simpleType) because
that information varies based on the complexType referencing that element.
