another JAXB can't handle interfaces question...

From: Tim Watson <>
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 22:48:33 -0700

Hi, i know JAXB's handling of interfaces has been discussed quite a lot
but i wanted to get your opinion regarding an issue i'm having.

I'm trying to generate the XML types from java source using JavaCompiler
like this;

            JavaCompiler jc = XJC.createJavaCompiler();
            J2SJAXBModel model =
                jc.bind(rootTypes, additionalElementDecls,
info.getDefaultNamespace(), env);

The source webservice endpoint has a method like this;
            public List<Emp> queryEmpFindAll() {
                return em.createNamedQuery("Emp.findAll").getResultList();

And during the call to JavaCompiler.bind () i get an
IllegalAnnotationException with the error message "java.util.List is an
interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces.".
The rootTypes passed to bind() include; java.util.List and project1.Emp

I tried annotating the method with XmlJavaTypeAdapter (along with
            public List<Emp> queryEmpFindAll() {

with no luck (i even tried adding XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation to the
list class itself).

I tested all this with JAXB 2.0.5-b02-fcs and 2.1.3-b01-fcs.

My understanding is that in JAXB 2.0 there is suppose to be support for
List and the specification says in section 8.5.4 that
collection must be supported:
   java.util.Collection and it's subtypes (e.g. java.util.List)

Do you know if this usage is incorrect or not supported or if there's
something i'm missing.
