Import, include, and Windows paths with spaces

From: David Byrden <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:35:22 +0000

Don't know if this has been already mentioned, but
I didn't find it in the archive...

Under Windows you can have spaces in directory names.
This throws XJC if your schema has any includes or imports
with relative HREFs; it finds your original schema but not the
ones you import/include, because it can't build a valid URL
using a base path that contains spaces.

The solution is to fire up XJC with a file URL, using the non-spaced
alternative paths that Windows automatically generates.

For example, this won't work if the invoking shell is in c:\some stuff

xjc schemas\authors.xsd

But this will work:
xjc file:///C:/SOMEST~1/Schemas/authors.xsd
