Re: maven-jaxb1-plugin - run xjc for test sources

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:16:10 +0100


> On 11/28/06, Gregory Kick <> wrote:
>> Is there support for using the maven-jaxb1-plugin to generate test
>> sources instead of normal ones (i.e. have them compile to test-classes
>> instead of classes)? I can certainly attach it to the
>> generate-test-sources phase, but I don't want it all in the final jar.
>> If there isn't, a boolean parameter seems like it would work.
> That seems like an obvious feature.
> It requires modifying org.jvnet.jaxb1.maven2:maven-jaxb1-plugin.
> ----
> (To Aleksei): Should I attempt to implement it?

Please do. 1.0-rc8?
Have you seen my mail on the topic.

> * I want also to include a logCalcSettings(StringBuffer sb) method
> into hj2-plugin
> to print-out the resources included.

Very good, go ahead.

> * Do you have anything to update on maven-hj2-plugin or
> maven-jaxb1-plugin ?

Well, there is one thing in maven-jaxb1-plugin that I'd like to implement.

I think the project must be made multi-module:

* plugin - the plugin itself (the project as it is now).
* testing - the testing module allows for running the plugin from within the
unit test. Extremely helpful when debugging JAXB plugins.
* tests - a number of test maven projects which just use the plugin.
Demo/testing purposes here.
* samples - a sample standalone Maven projects (with a zip assembly) that use
our plugin. To help people get started faster.

I think I'll take time and implement it myself first on a side branch and then
merge. The problem is that I'll need to restructure the project.
groupId/artifactId for the plugin artifact will of course stay the same.

> * For the jaxb1 plugin, the version would become 1.0-rc8.


> * What should be the hj2-plugin's version ?
> ** 0.6.1? Then we should increase parent's version to 0.6.1.
> ** Any suggestion?

Yes, 0.6.1 for the whole project.
