Collections: Setters Required?

From: Mark Emeny <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:12:49 -0000



I have several classes where I have added @XmlType annotations and have
elected to annotate properties (that is, getters).


Within these classes I have numerous collections that I have represented
as Sets. As per the specification, I have not provided setters for these
collections. When marshalling an object hierarchy all looks good (the
XML is what I would expect, with nested levels of objects)...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>


























However, when I unmarshal the XML I find that not all elements have been
mapped to Java objects.


I have added a Listener to the unmarshaller and followed the process via
the "afterUnmarshal" method (all looks good and I can see each object
being unmarshalled) but the resultant object hierarchy has missing items
within some collections (for example, I can only see one "Quote" for the


I have also added a ValidationEventHandler and can actually see JAXB
reporting that a setter could not be found, but was not needed if the
getter returned a collection (which of course it did). The only way I
could solve this was to add setters for the collections or annotate
fields rather than properties.


Have I missed something in the specification or is this in fact a bug?



