Re: XCJ naming collision with Attributes and Elements

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 10:46:01 +0200

> Sorry if this is a FAQ, but I cannot seem to find a general simple answer.
> I have schema from a standards body that defines an element named row.
> Later on there is an attribute on an different element that is also named
> row. This causes xjc to fail with the error: Property "Row" is already
> defined .....
> This schema in question is part of a set of schemas form the OGC that
> defines gml.
> A few points of interest:
> I am using the latest released version of JaxB.
> I cannot change the xsd file.
> It happens in many files that are included from several different schemas,
> so that making a binding entry in a bindings file for each occurrence would
> be painful at best (as well as error prone).
> I was hoping for a general solution such as adding an attribute to the
> global bindings in my bindings file, but so far have not had much luck.
> Many thanks in advance!

You may be interested in the The project
compiles almost all of the OGC schemas with JAXB. Including GML.

Concerning your question, you have to customize the schema using the
external binding file like this one:

                        <jaxb:package name="org.w3.smil.v_2_0"/>
                        <jaxb:property name="ClassName"/>

