serialization in RI

From: yuexiang <>
Date: 27 Nov 2003 18:52:53 +0800


Thanks for the extension supporting of serialization in RI.
I have a class (generated by jaxb) which has Serializable interface due
to the declaration in the xml schema. However,i found that not all its
subelements implemented Serializable interface.

I am wondering in this case, how does the jaxb framework handle the
serialization. I assume that the framework does serialization specially
(maybe internally convert to XMLs). Otherwise, some information will be
lost during serialization and deserialization.

Any comments?

Notes from tutorial of web service:

"<globalBindings> declarations are only valid in the annotation element
of the top-level schema element. There can only be a single instance of
a <globalBindings> declaration in any given schema or binding
declarations file. If one source schema includes or imports a second
source schema, the <globalBindings> declaration must be declared in the
first source schema."


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