On 10 May 2011 15:30, Markus Karg <karg_at_quipsy.de> wrote:
> I have some JAXB classes like this one:
> @XmlElementRoot(name = "foo")
> public class Bar {
> @XmlAttribute(name = "xxx")
> public String test;
> }
> With the word "test" in my hands, I need to get "xxx".
> In other words: How to find out into what attribute name JAXB would marshal
> this property?
> I certainly could use Reflection
> (Bar.class.getMethod("test").getAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class)), but this
> might get tricky in case that annotation is not given -- my code would have
> to repeat the exact rules for JAXB default naming then…
Going from Java to XML isn't so difficult. The JAXB specification defines
this in terms of
java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize( String name )
applied to class or JavaBean property names.
> So if someone knows some JAXB trick to get this out of the box, I would be
> really happy! :-)
> Thanks
> Markus