Schema Builder

From: Roger Parkinson <>
Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 21:02:42 +1200
If anyone is interested I've uploaded a small project that extracts an XSD compatible with HyperJAXB3 from a JDBC data source.
Possibly this has been done before (maybe lots of times, 'cos it seems a bit obvious) but I didn't find one when I looked.
Anyway, I need this as a way of encouraging the folks I work for to go in this direction. They have an existing database they don't
want to change, but they're happy to do more JPA as long as I build the entity classes for them.

There are some restrictions, but it does all I need it to do right now. I'm happy to enhance it, and allow other committers etc.

Anyway, details here.

Roger Parkinson