Re: Marshalling list types

From: jon gold <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 11:26:08 -0700

hi -- i'm not too familiar with it, but i've seen people on this list
discuss the use of an attribute 'nillable', which i believe allows you
to set things to null. does it make sense to try something like (you
probably will need to confirm the syntax somewhere):

     <attribute name="error" type="errorType"
                use="optional" nillable="true"/>

incidentally, for your second question (what to do if the schema can't
be changed), you could pipe the output of your marshaller through either
an xslt transform or a sax result + transform which listens for the
appropriate empty attributes and just removes them.


Jörg Meister wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have a problem marshalling an attribute, that helds a list like the xml
> schema below.
> <complexType name="Header">
> <attribute name="error" type="errorType" use="optional"/>
> </complexType>
> <simpleType name="ErrorType">
> <list itemType="ErrorNrType"/>
> </simpleType>
> <simpleType name="ErrorNrType">
> <restriction base="string">
> <length value="9"/>
> <pattern value="[A-Z]{2}([0-9]|[A-Z]){7}"/>
> </restriction>
> </simpleType>
> Everything went fine, if the list helds data. If the attribute helds no
> data, the output of the marshaller looks like
> <myElement error=""/>
> But this will lead to an error during validation. Looking at the generated
> code by the xjc, i have seen, that is is impossible to set the list to NULL.
> Even the unset method will be no help, because the attribute will be set to
> an empty list, if unset() will be called.
> "error" is an optional attribute. Is it possible that the marshaller will
> NOT print the attribute if the list contains no data? If not, want could be
> done to get a valid output (it is not possible to change the schema)?
> Since
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