From: Shannon Ray Hughes <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:04:01 -0400

My team is using JAXB to replace our internal java objects we use after parsing an XML file. The schemas were based on DTDs. I was having trouble implementing the superclass vendor extensions as well as the external binding file using DTDS so I converted our DTDs into one XML schema and inlined the customizations. The xjc compiles worked for the schema with inline customizations. My first question is:

1) Is is possible to build the JAXB classes with the vendor superclass extensions using a DTD? If so is this advisable to do so or would be be better off moving our DTDs into XML schemas like I am currently implementing. Does anyone know if support will be made to extend super

I am currently having the problem when unmarshalling since the xml file references the older dtd....this reference is in all our customer xml files. I think the solution to the problem is to pass the unmarshaller object my own SAX parser that has a schema resolver in it and point to my new schema or a blank file. Anyone have a better solution or have experienced this problem?

Shannon Ray Hughes