Re: What does it means? "compiler was unable to honor this property customization. It is attached to a wrong place, or its inconsistent with other bindings."

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 17:10:38 -0700

The error really means you put the customization to a wrong place. I
think the easiest way out in this case is to use the simple binding
mode. Looking at how DocBook schema is written, I suspect writing the
correct <property> customization would be too much work.

Raul Selas wrote:
> Hello all!!
> Im getting an error while trying to bind a XML schema to a Java. The XML
> schema is the DocBook 4.5 XML Schema that you can get in
> The next is the xjc version im using:
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$ -version
> xjc version "2.1.3-b01-fcs"
> JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, (build
> 2.1.3-b01-fcs)
> from package jaxb-ri-20070413
> and java -version:
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$ java -version
> java version "1.6.0"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)
> When I try to parse the schema I get the a lot of errors (you can see the
> complete output errors below) :
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$ -d /home/raul/ -p DocBook
> docbook.xsd
> Im interested in two of them cause I could solve others with jaxb
> customizations.
> [ERROR] Element "seeie" shows up in more than one properties.
> line 1737 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 1733 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] Element "imageobjectco" shows up in more than one properties.
> line 3526 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 3525 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> Theses are the lines about the error in dbhierx.xsd
> 1728 <!-- doc:An entry in an index. -->
> 1729 <xs:element name="indexentry">
> 1730 <xs:complexType>
> 1731 <xs:sequence>
> 1732 <xs:element ref="primaryie"/>
> 1733 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
> 1734 <xs:element ref="seeie"/>
> 1735 <xs:element ref="seealsoie"/>
> 1736 </xs:choice>
> 1737 <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
> 1738 <xs:element ref="secondaryie"/>
> 1739 <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
> 1740 <xs:element ref="seeie"/>
> 1741 <xs:element ref="seealsoie"/>
> 1742 <xs:element ref="tertiaryie"/>
> 1743 </xs:choice>
> 1744 </xs:sequence>
> 1745 </xs:sequence>
> 1746 <xs:attributeGroup ref="indexentry.attlist"/>
> 1747 </xs:complexType>
> 1748 </xs:element>
> I' ve tried to use a customized binding as next:
> (custom3.xjb)
> <jxb:bindings version="1.0"
> xmlns:jxb=""
> xmlns:xs=""
> xmlns:xjc=""
> jxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc">
> <jxb:bindings schemaLocation="dbhierx.xsd" node="/xs:schema">
> <jxb:bindings
> node="//xs:sequence[@minOccurs='0']//xs:choice/xs:element[@ref='seeie']">
> <jxb:property name="E1ASeeie"/>
> </jxb:bindings>
> </jxb:bindings>
> </jxb:bindings>
> However I get the next error (cutted for readability):
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$ -d /home/raul/ -p DocBook
> docbook.xsd -b custom3.xjb
> parsing a schema...
> [ERROR] compiler was unable to honor this property customization. It is
> attached to a wrong place, or its inconsistent with other bindings.
> line 8 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/custom3.xjb
> [ERROR] (the above customization is attached to the following location in
> the schema)
> line 1740 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] Element "seeie" shows up in more than one properties.
> line 1737 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 1733 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> I tried to use:
> <jxb:class name="E1ASeeie"/> instead of
> <jxb:property name="E1ASeeie"/>
> but I get the same error.
> I tried with xjc 2.0 version provided with java1.6 but similar errors are
> reported.
> So, Is there any customization to address this problem? ¿What exactly means
> "compiler was unable to honor this property customization. It is attached to
> a wrong place, or its inconsistent with other bindings."?
> Thanks in advance,
> Raul.
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$ -d /home/raul/ -p DocBook
> docbook.xsd
> parsing a schema...
> [ERROR] Property "Revision" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 5965 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 521 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Element "seeie" shows up in more than one properties.
> line 1737 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 1733 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbhierx.xsd
> [ERROR] Element "imageobjectco" shows up in more than one properties.
> line 3526 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 3525 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Title" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 271 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 158 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> [ERROR] Property "Lang" is already defined. Use &lt;jaxb:property> to
> resolve this conflict.
> line 570 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/dbpoolx.xsd
> [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
> line 66 of file:/home/raul/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5/htmltblx.xsd
> Failed to parse a schema.
> raul_at_sensei:~/docbook/schema/xsd/4.5$

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems