Re: AW: Using Hyperjaxb with the XJC Ant task

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 17:37:29 -0700

Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> My estimation is 20-25 man-days. A lot of conceptual work is already done is
> Hyperjaxb2, we don't need to redo that. But JAXB 2 is a completely different
> world, so I do have to port quite a lot of things.
> Last weeks I see a lot of users get interested in Hyperjaxb3, so I'm trying to
> intensify my efforts. What I have right now in Hyperjaxb3 is a set-up project
> structure with Maven (check out hyperjaxb3 from CVS to see it).

I'm very happy to hear that there's a progress in hyperjaxb3. See the
attached e-mail I got in I think many people are
interested in this.

Personally, I'm really looking forward to hyperjaxb3, and I'm sure many
people are.

> I would really be glad if people actually start helping with Hyperjaxb3. Right
> now I need an EJB3 expert who would help me finding EJB3 analogs of Hibernate
> mappings. I also need people who could help with docs. A bit later I would need
> help with migration of Hyperjaxb2->Hyperjaxb3.

It just so happens that our EJB3 implementation team is also interested
in this, too. I'll check if they'd be available to help you.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems         

attached mail follows:

Hi all,

We currently have a fairly complex object model generated from XJC. We
also modify significant number of these generated object with
EJB3/hibernate annotations. Everything is working fine but from
maintainance point of view it is rather messy.

I'm looking for a plugin that can help us generate EJB3/hibernate

Wondering if anyone done any work in this area?

rOnn c.

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