- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.1 is released
- [jaxb-1.x] Marshalling just a type without nested elements produces empty string
- [jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-949) Fluent API Plugin for JAXB RI 2.0.1 XJC
- AW: Using Hyperjaxb with the XJC Ant task
- Boolean type - unmarshalling
- cloning JAXBElements
- csv xjc plugin
- Enable Bugzilla public comments and cc
- Feedback on <xjc:simple> customisation
- Fwd: [jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-949) Fluent API Plugin for JAXB RI 2.0.1 XJC
- Fwd: JAXB2 fluent-api improvement
- Generating bound javabeans using xjc
- How to access the simple element's SchemaType in JAXB 2.0 XJC Plugin
- Hyperjaxb3/EJB3
- JAXB 2 and xjc:dom
- JAXB 2 samples, Maven, LinkageError
- JAXB instantiates extra HashSet layer
- JAXB team on break
- jaxb with maven
- jaxb.index
- jaxb1 problem with complex-types vs elements
- JMethod.varParam generating array instead of object definition
- JPA as an alternative to Hyperjaxb2
- List<Item> customization
- making namespaces/packages auto-discoverable
- Maven repository problem with maven-jaxb1-plugin
- Maven2 versus JAXB
- mixed="true", JAXBElement and List<Serializable>
- Need a small help
- On Demand Valiadtion under JAXB 2.0
- Preventing JAXB from generating classes for imported schemas
- Programmatically adding an attribute field
- REPOST: http://repo.mergere.com/maven2/javax/xml/
- SAX-like JAXB?
- Schema Annotations/Documentation to Javadoc
- Setting xmlns schema urls, How?
- Subclassing JAXB 2.0-generated classes
- super interface for some generated classes
- UnsupportedOperationException with Binder
- xjc:javaType
- XmlAdapter and array types?
- xsdlib in maven repository