- [jaxb-1.x & maven-2] Can i upload jaxb jars into maven2-repository.dev.java.net ?
- [jaxb-1.x] Marshalling just a type without nested elements produces empty string
- [JAXB-1.x] NPE while unmarshalling empty long element
- Binding an annotated class to different schemas
- Binding the w3c meta-schema
- developer/contributor information for jaxb POMs
- enhancing object model?
- How to access the simple element's SchemaType in JAXB 2.0 XJC Plugin
- Java inheritance
- JAXB 2 samples, Maven, LinkageError
- JAXB 2.0 Getting Started or Migration document
- jaxb and jbpm xsd
- JAXB instantiates extra HashSet layer
- JAXB Vs Castor
- JPA as an alternative to Hyperjaxb2
- Marshalling a content sub-tree
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin available.
- Maven repository problem with maven-jaxb1-plugin
- Maven2 plugin
- Maven2 versus JAXB
- mixed="true", JAXBElement and List<Serializable>
- Mixing custom/manual marshalling with JAXB
- No ObjectFactory with an _at_XmlElementDecl
- Ordering of enum values in XJC
- Preventing JAXB from generating classes for imported schemas
- Required while MinOccurs = 1
- SAX-like JAXB?
- SOE in XJC with large maxOccurs
- Subclassing JAXB 2.0-generated classes
- super interface for some generated classes
- Using the maven plugin for multiple schemas with external customization
- XmlAdapter and array types?
- Last message date: Thu Jul 27 12:10:06 2006
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT