Re: Mixing custom/manual marshalling with JAXB

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:49:55 +1200

Hi Nick,

If this is a requirement you may want to look into using JiBX data
binding in place of JAXB ( JiBX is faster and more
flexible than JAXB, including the option of using custom
marshaller/unmarshaller classes that give you full control over the XML
structure where needed. I'm looking into adding support for
automatically generating the JiBX binding definitions from JAXB
annotations, now that JAXB is final.

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA, Web Services, and XML
Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Prisca Moine wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I've just replied your post, hope it will help you.
> Prisca.
> Nick Minutello a écrit :
>> I want to use jaxb to marshal&unmarshal my object graph but there are
>> objects within this graph that I need to marshal/unmarshal manually
>> (Its quite complicated marshalling/unmarshalling - it requires data
>> that is only available at runtime to do it).
>> Is there a way I can plug into the marshalling/unmarshalling to do
>> this? If not, can we add it?
>> Question also posted on the forum:
>> Thanks
>> -Nick
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