Re: Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin available.

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:49:28 -0700

Sorry it took so long to reply to this. I haven't had a chance to do any
development in awhile.
But, before continuing with the comments, I should point out some changes I
did today...
1. newest mustang release
2. newest jaxb release
3. newest maven release
4. newest subversion, intellij, tortoisesvn, etc
5. newest maven-jaxb-plugin from this link on the main page:
In the meantime you can download the lastest plugin version from this
expand the .zip contents into your local %HOMEPATH%/.m2/repository

I've decided to move away from using reactor and making all my modules
completely seperate projects... As such, some slight changes to the
pom.xmlfiles,etc... I've also changed my directory layout to match
the suggested
layout per the Maven documentation and per the Maven-JAXB-Plugin
documentation. I'm trying to move to less "modified" configurations.

Ok, onto the comments...

On 5/18/06, Malachi de Ælfweald <> wrote:
> On 5/17/06, Jonathan Johnson <> wrote:
> >
> > >> 1. it says that "includeSchemas" was not set, but I set it as per
> > >> instructions (but told it to recurse subdirectories)
> >
> > You indeed found a problem (it was missing an important @parameter tag).
> >
> > The plugin has been fixed and reposted.
> > Instructions are here:
> Kewl. I'll grab the new one.

The new one seems to have the same problem... Specifically, per the
And the resulting output:
[INFO] includeSchemas: [*.xsd]

Now to clarify here a second... My schema is:

If I move it directly under main\resources, it works... In addition to the
output not showing "**/", it leads me to think the recursion is not working.

>> 2. instead of running under reactor, it tried to run on the outside
> > >> pom which has no source code -- and thus hard crashed the build
> >
> > I'm not clear on what you are describing here. I'm not sure of the
> > steps to
> > follow to reproduce this. Can you provide more details?
> Instructions are here:
> ?
> Generally, it follows like this.... the root project directory contains a
> pom.xml that contains a "<modules>" section. Each module specified a
> subproject directory, which contains it's own pom.xml
> In my case specifically, all my build setup is on the outside pom.xml,
> which has no source code itself. Then each child pom.xml has the very
> minimal settings (usually, which other subproject it depends on -- in order
> to allow maven to determine the correct order to build them).

I'm no longer doing this, so that issue is moot.

>> how do I enable an external jaxb plugin
> >
> > This was a feature for the next version. I would image a section in the
> >
> > configuration section like this...
> >
> > <classpaths>
> > <classpath>/path/to/jaxb-xjc.jar</classpath>
> > <classpath>/path/to/plugin.jar</classpath>
> > </classpaths >
> >
> > Which in turn would call XJC2Task.setClasspath(...)
> >
> > But I'm not sure how to invoke the plugin methods as you can do in an
> > Ant
> > command
> >
> > <xjc ...>
> > <arg value="-Xinject-code" />
> > ... other nested elements ...
> > </xjc>
> >
> > Perhaps you or Kohsuke can advise me.
> >
> >
> > - Jonathan
> As I see it, there are two primary things we have to do. One, make sure
> that it is on the classpath (which is counter-intuitive for maven, since we
> got away from specifying classpaths); Two, to specify the -Xoption to
> actually get it called...
> Does the -Xoption require that vendor extensions are turned on?
> If so, then perhaps we change <extension>true</extension>
> to
> <extensions enabled="true">
> <extension>Xlocator</extension>
> </extensions>
> then, we just have to deal with it being on the classpath...

I will be trying the -X <args> once I get the earlier problem fixed to
actually compile the schema.
