Re: [jaxb-1.x & maven-2] Can i upload jaxb jars into ?

From: Joost Cassee <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 00:25:53 +0200

Gregory Kick schreef:

> there's also this issue of jaxb1 vs. jaxb version 1. the api has an
> artifactId of jaxb-api and versions 1.0 or 2.0 while the implementations
> have artifacts jaxb1-impl and jaxb-impl (version 2). it seems that this
> should be more consistent. however, i see the argument for not changing
> it and confusing people... any thoughts?

There is support for migrating names in maven2 repos. See for example
the move from hibernate/hibernate to org.hibernate/hibernate.

- Joost