- [ANN] JAXB 2.0 is final
- ClassCastException in Eclipse -> Run
- com.sun.xml.wss.saml.assertion.saml11.jaxb20.Assertion, got exception: Type
- compilation problem with JAXB2 generated code - import statements
- Dealing with inheritance and multiple packages
- Error using custom (external) bindings with WSDL
- Help : webmethod with interfaces as parameter and return result
- http://repo.mergere.com/maven2/javax/xml/
- InstantiationException when unmarshalling fpml instance document
- java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError and JDK versions
- Javadoc package.html and overview.html with external bindings
- jaxb 2.0 handling custom xml standards like fixml and fpml
- JAXB RI 2.0
- JAXB Sockets and Joy.
- JAXB, Introspector, BeanInfo and method sigantures
- jaxb.properties not found
- JAXBContext.newInstance() - long time to execute
- JDK problem
- Maven 2 Jaxb 2 plugin exeption with multi module build
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin - request for supporting plugins
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin available.
- Maven2 versus JAXB
- Maven2 with JAXB 2.0
- parameterizing attributes
- problems with xs:group, xs:choice - jaxb2
- protected access of NAME member
- retrieving enumerated values from schema at runtime (jaxb 1.0.5)
- simple binding not working?
- Two new Sun jars available in Maven repos (Thanks Carlos)
- We are taking a week off
- XJC Binding specifications
- XJC Maven 2 Plugin
- Last message date: Thu May 18 20:29:48 2006
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT