Re: protected access of NAME member

From: William Simons <>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 12:13:29 -0400


Thanks Kohsuke.

On 5/3/06 12:05 PM, "Kohsuke Kawaguchi" <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> William Simons wrote:
>> I noticed that the access to the NAME member of classes that derive
>> JAXBElement has protected access. Is there a configuration that would allow
>> me to have this as a public member?
> In short of writing a plugin, no. I know it's desirable to do so, but
> the spec dictates what can be made public, so I can't just change it in
> the RI, unfortunately.
> I'll record it so that it will be considered for the next spec rev.