Kohsuke – The pom here
impl-2.0.pom needs the activation.jar version to be change from 1.0.2 to
Franz – your comments were helpful, I have cleaned up the instructions. The
instructions for using the JAXB Maven 2 plugin are here
You also asked why this plugin is dependent on ant. This plugin depends on
the jars ant since it delegates to the com.sun.tools.xjc.XJC2Task which
requires the ant jar (currently 1.6.5).
You also mentioned
>> I sit behind a proxy and have difficulties accessing https sites with
Maven2 (http works perfect).
>> Also, why not reorganize the repository making <legacy> obsolete?
Kohsuke Kawaguchi and the folks at Sun are working on updating the java.net
Maven 2 repository. He should be seeing this request. See Kohsuke’s
comments in his blog