Error using custom (external) bindings with WSDL

From: Stefan Freyr Stefansson <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 22:45:10 +0000

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to create an external binding definition file to specify the
package into which classes for a particular namespace should be put.

I've searched high and low and I haven't really found anything that describes
my scenario exactly. I've found some examples where the name of the XSD file
is used to dictate the package name but I'm using a single WSDL file with a
few schema definitions "embedded" so I have to use the actual targetNamespace
attribute in each <s:schema> element.

I'm attaching a wsdl file and a jaxb-binding definition file that demonstrate
my problem. I'm running xjc in the following way: -d gen/ -wsdl -verbose one.wsdl -b jaxb-bindings.xml

And the error I'm getting is:

parsing a schema...
[ERROR] XPath error: null
  line 2 of file:/home/stefan/hugsmidjan/tmp/jaxb-test/jaxb-bindings.xml

[ERROR] XPath error: null
  line 7 of file:/home/stefan/hugsmidjan/tmp/jaxb-test/jaxb-bindings.xml

Can anyone point to what I'm doing wrong? Any help with this would be greatly

Kind regards, Stefan Freyr.