Re: Help : webmethod with interfaces as parameter and return result

From: Prisca Moine <Prisca.Moine_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 16:54:44 -0700

Hi Kohsuke,

I completely understand that it is more simple for everyone to keep a
discussion in only one place. But the reason why I also sent this email
is because I did not receive any help on the forum... Since this post, I
tried many solutions without success. I am really blocked with this problem.

I would really appreciate help from you : maybe could you point me to
the right track to solve my problem with the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter or
answer my post on the forum (to stick there) :

I also download the last release of JAX-WS (I presume it is containing
JAX-B final release, right?), but it did not change the problem : it
seems that JAX-B does not take the Adapter.class into account !?...(I
try to place the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotations at different places :
over the webmethod, in the file, in the signature of
the method near the parameter).

Again, thanks in advance for your collaboration,

Best regards,
Prisca Moine.

ps : I have already seen your blog page :

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Prisca Moine wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am a new JAX-B user, aiming at exposing an EJB as a Web Service. I
>> am currently facing a problem concerning interfaces: the web method
>> I'd like to expose have interfaces as parameter and result type :
>> /*_at_WebMethod
>> * public *TroubleTicketKey*
>> createTroubleTicketByValue(*TroubleTicketValue* value)
>> /where /*TroubleTicketKey */and /*TroubleTicketValue */are interfaces.
>> As JAX-Bcan't handle with interface, I was looking after a solution
>> indicating to JAX-B which implementation class should correspond to
>> the interfaces used.
>> I already had a look at the JAX-WS forum on
>>, where I found part
>> of the solution :
>> Using the annotation :
>> @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=TroubleTicketValueImplAdapter.class) and
>> the correspondent class, I solve the problem for /*TroubleTicketValue
>> */but this problem with interface is recurrent in my case (this
>> method use many interface defintion) and I ahve not yet found the
>> right solution...
>> I would really appreciate any help from you. Thanks a lot in advance.
> I think it's good to keep the related discussion in one place --- I
> handle so many user supports and my small brain can't remember exactly
> what your issue was.
> If you already started a thread on the forum, let's stick there. If we
> identified bugs, let's file those to the issue tracker.