Re: tweaking marshaller output?

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 10:39:55 -0400

Andrew Ferguson wrote:
> hi,
> is it possible to tweak the marshaller output eg. xsd:boolean false
> value is output as "0" in preference to "false"

You can specify your own print and parse methods with a <javaType>
customization. Take a look at the "inline-customize"[1] sample app.

> the reason why this would be useful is that the XML files are shared
> between a java application and a legacy native application which has
> been released and only recognized the "0" and "1" values for
> representing booleans
> also, people who use the xml files have got used to some element
> attributes being ordered in a certain (non-alphabetic) way which it
> would be icing on the cake to preserve

Preserving attribute ordering is not possible with JAXB 1.0 today
and I don't recall any discussions about it in JAXB 2.0.

> might JAXB 2.0 be able to do things like this?

An early draft of the 2.0 spec is available[2], feel free to send
your comments to the expert group at:



[1] $JAXB_HOME/samples/inline-customize

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