Re: Partial marshaling?

From: Sean LeBlanc <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 11:32:29 -0700

On 12-06 10:11, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> >I saw some references to using JAXB 2 w/ StAX (in the mailing list archive)
> >to do partial marshaling, but I cannot find examples of this. Do any
> >examples of this exist?
> We do hae some examples of partial unmarshalling. If you really mean
> "partial marshalling", can you explain bit more about what you are
> trying to do?

Yep, I do mean partial marshalling. I'm trying to keep memory use under
control when creating very large XML documents. It turns out I was able to
achieve this in XMLBeans, although I'd still be curious how this might be
achieved in JAXB.

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