Re: Maven2 plugin

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 13:04:39 +0200


> I tried that plugin out and ran into a small problem. I was unable to
> > configure it to exclude certain schemas from my build using the
> > schemasExcludes configuration property. I couldn't figure out how that
> > element needed to be formed. In the other plugin, it is called
> > excludeSchemas and contains a list of excludeSchema elements.
> > Unfortunately, the same strategy did not work for the
> maven-jaxb2-plugin.
> The respective mojo param to 'excludeSchemas' is renamed into
> 'schemasExcludes'.
> See:
> for a description of all the available mojo parameters.

I'v tried this yesterday and got a failure (something with unmodifiable

I'd suggest renaming schemasExcludes -> schemaExcludes (since we have
schemaIncludes). The bug with lists must be corrected as well.
