Re: Namespace for Exceptions

From: Glen Mazza <>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:23:17 -0400

Your question might be better asked on the JAX-WS (Metro) user's list,
because the Java class generated for WSDL exceptions (as well as the
Service/Port class) is not handled by JAXB but by JAX-WS.

Anyway, the JAX-WS 2.2 specification (Dec 2009), section 8.7.4, gives a
customization which apparently allows you to specify the class to use
for the fault within the WSDL:

8.7.4 PortType Fault Message
The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL
portType operation’s fault mes-
sage, either as an extension to the
wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault element or with a
node attribute pointing at one.
1 <jaxws:class name="xs:string">?
2 <jaxws:javadoc>xs:string</jaxws:javadoc>?
3 </jaxws:class>

class/_at_name Fully qualified name of the generated exception class for
this fault.
class/javadoc/text() Class-level javadoc string.
It is an error if faults that refer to the same wsdl:message element are
mapped to exception classes with
different names.

I have not used this before, however, so am unsure if this will do what
you actually want.


Vampire wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Metro which includes JAXB for providing a Java-first SOAP
> WebService. I want my Exceptions to be in a dedicated namespace. Is
> there any way to achieve this?
> From a quick look through the JAXB source code it seems to me that for
> an Exception always the targetNamespace is used. The only thing you
> can do via a WebFault annotation is to set the targetNamespace for the
> fault element, but not for the fault type. For the fault type always
> the targetNamespace is used. Using an XmlType annotation doesn't work
> as the code only takes the propOrder attribute of that annotation into
> consideration. When taking the generated wsdl/xsd, you have an own
> namespace for the exception elements, but not for the types. If you
> run this through wsdl2java from Axis, the Exceptions of course end in
> the main targetNamespace. :-(
> I hope someone can enlighten me.
> Regards
> Vampire