I'm using Metro which includes JAXB for providing a Java-first SOAP
WebService. I want my Exceptions to be in a dedicated namespace. Is there
any way to achieve this?
From a quick look through the JAXB source code it seems to me that for an
Exception always the targetNamespace is used. The only thing you can do via
a WebFault annotation is to set the targetNamespace for the fault element,
but not for the fault type. For the fault type always the targetNamespace is
used. Using an XmlType annotation doesn't work as the code only takes the
propOrder attribute of that annotation into consideration. When taking the
generated wsdl/xsd, you have an own namespace for the exception elements,
but not for the types. If you run this through wsdl2java from Axis, the
Exceptions of course end in the main targetNamespace. :-(
I hope someone can enlighten me.