Re: Setter method for maxoccurs="unbound" element

From: Bhakti Mehta <Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 13:43:33 -0800

Hi Kiran,
The accessor method getNewAccount returns a live list. Any modifications
made to the list will be present in the JAXB object. hence there is no
setter method. Once you remove the maxOccurs ="unbounded" you therefore
get the setter method


Kiran Devaram wrote:

> Hello All,
>I was able to successfully generate classes from xsd.
>But, while using the generated classes for create a
>content tree and marshall it to xml, I faced problems.
>I am unable to find the setter method for the root
>element. Below is the xsd for which I faced problem.
>Please take a look at the maxOccurs="unbounded" line.
><xsd:element name="InstallService">
><xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
><xsd:element name="NewAccount"
>With the above xsd, XJC generated a class with
>InstallServiceType interface having getNewAccount()
>and inner interface NewAccount. But what it lacked is
>setNewAccount(NewAccount). Without this element, I
>cannot marshall a java object to xml.
>But, when I removed the maxOccurs="unbounded", xjc
>created InstallServiceType with the setter method
>Is this the problem with JAXB or is it with my schema?
>Any help or pointers is appreciated.
>Thank you,
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