- Announcement: JAXB 2.0 Early Draft 2 Released
- Binding of element type to custom class
- Escape special chars in marshaling.
- How to preserve the elements order in schema...
- JAXB & xjc version determination
- JAXB Life Cycle Events for Sub classes of impl classes
- JAXB Model Group Binding
- Localization
- Localization - SOLVED
- minOccurs=maxOccurs=0 produces empty interface -- bug or feature?
- Name Collision
- preserve the element order in schema...
- Reused group keeps general content property
- Setter method for maxoccurs="unbound" element
- supressing class generation with xjc
- Technology Preview of JAXB 2.0 early draft Standards Implementation
- Unexpected end element fatal error when invalid value is present for an element
- xjc:dom in an .xjb file
- xsd:choice and jaxb generated code
- Last message date: Tue Mar 15 13:00:30 2005
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT