RE: supressing class generation with xjc

From: Jerry Lacy <>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:28:09 -0600



When performing the XJC compilation, are you specifying an alternate runtime



xjc . -use-runtime <framework package>.impl.runtime


That should cause all of the generated classes to reference the runtime
objects like UnmarshallableObject from within the specified framework




From: Simons, William []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:39 PM
Subject: supressing class generation with xjc


In response to message


"The current way of doing this is to instruct users to:


            1. compile their schemas

            2. delete a part of the generated stuff that corresponds to

               the framework schema"


We've run into this exact same packaging issues. I've tried the method
above and it doesn't quite work. Marshalling the generated objects behaves
as expected, but unmarshalling causes a ClassCastException. The issue is
that in the "external" project library, the
impl.runtime.AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl.spawnChild method casts
objects as an UnmarshallableObject (defined in the same package). But the
object defined in the "framework" package implements UnmarshallableObject
from its own package. thus the ClassCastException (I think).


Jerry, did you try this out with success? We are either missing some key
step or the workaround doesn't work in all cases.


Thanks in advance,

Bill Simons

Technical Architect / Principal Software Engineer

Children's Hospital Boston

Children's HST Informatics Program