How to bind existing class into schema generation?

From: Florian Bachmann <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:58:19 +0200

Hi, it’s me again (-:

How could I integrate an existing class into my generated classes?
(I’m tied to use a given schema and could not change it.)

The schema compiler produces this class:

public class PointType extends AbstractGeometryType {


   protected List<String> coordinates;


Could I, or how could I tell the schema compiler, that I rather like
to have a List of coordinates with my own (and already existing) class?

protected List<MYOwnAndAlreadyExistingClass> coordinates;

The relevant parts of my schema are:

<simpleType name="coordinatesType">

   <list itemType="string" />


<element name="coordinates" type="kml:coordinatesType" />

<element name="Point" type="kml:PointType"
substitutionGroup="kml:AbstractGeometryGroup" />

<complexType name="PointType" final="#all">


     <extension base="kml:AbstractGeometryType">


         <element ref="kml:coordinates" minOccurs="0" />





I tried a mapping like:

<jaxb:javaType xmlType="kml:coordinatesType"




but then the List disappeared:

protected MYOwnAndAlreadyExistingClass coordinates;

So how could I bind an existing class into my generated class files
and don’t destroy the creations of the list. I hope you understand my
explanations and could hopefully help me.

