had similar issues with compiling under *nix and win.
solution in my case was to use 3 slashes: file:///d:/win_bla/... or
because the path itself starts with a leading slash on unix, i made some
hack into the build script, maybe you'll have some use for it (I am using a
catalog file, but with the path being directly in schemaloaction it's the
same procedure):
<!-- include slash in token for resulting in 3 slashes (not 4) if OS's
filesystem itself starts with a slash -->
<echo level="info" message="Checking OS environment..."/>
<os family="unix"/>
<echo level="info" message="Unix"/>
<property name="slashIfUnix" value="/"/>
<echo level="info" message="Non-Unix"/>
<property name="slashIfUnix" value=""/>
<echo message="adding directory into catalog file: ${dir.absolute-path}"
<replace file="${build.generated.dir}/catalog.cat"
> has anyone had difficulties resolving xsd:import ...
> schemaLocation="..." under windows?
> i have a large schema tree which i use xjc to compile (using the xjc ant
> task and a nested <schema> fileset) just fine on unix/osx, but which
> borks on windows. i saw a post to this list some time ago suggesting
> that you not use schemaLocation="../foo.xsd" but rather
> schemaLocation="file://../foo.xsd", so that the jvm will correctly
> resolve things (and turn '/' into '\', etc). doing this i get fewer
> errors, but still failures (types aren't being resolved or are being
> resolved more than once).
> any windows users have some suggestions?
> failing any clear shortcoming in my use of the above, i might introduce
> an intermediate step which creates a master schema with no elements and
> nothing but imports, and then point xjc at that single file, instead of
> using a nested <schema>. still, if i can make this work without having
> to write intermediate code, that'd be awesome.
> jon
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