JAXB generated Java Model + JXPath

From: Prashant <>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 15:53:31 +0530

I would like to select instances from the JXAB generated Java Bean Tree by passing XPath.

JXPath, an Apache's project allow exactly that.

	 Address address = (Address)JXPathContext.newContext(vendor).

Unfortunately JXPath's capabilites are limited to querrying a Java Bean Model which will fail even on moderately customized JAXB generated Java Bean Tree.

/some-root/class  is actually  SomeRoot/Klass and so on.

To extend JXPath and seamlessly operate between XPath and JAXB's Java Bean Tree :

1. I would need to be aware of all the customizations "xjc" makes while generating the Java sources.

What is a beatiful way to get this information ?

Setup: JAXB RI 1.0.5, XPath 1.2
