Re: Minimal set for JNLP

From: Malachi de AElfweald <malachi_at_EOTI.ORG>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:17:25 -0700

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:48:48 +0100, Mark Brouwer <> wrote:
>Malachi de AElfweald wrote:
>I have no clue what JNLP stands for :-) but the minimal set [*] of
>libraries at runtime are with J2SE 1.4 jaxb-api.jar, laxb-libs.jar and
>jaxb-ri.jar a total of 1.14 MB.
>However the size of the models generated are very large, and while I
>speak of it, are there plans to reduce the size the size of the
>generated code. I think there is room for some squeezing.
>[*] The current license states however that much more libraries have to
>be distributed, most of them are for J2SE below 1.4 or the xjc tool. But
>Sun will allow us in the near future to redistrubute a limited set of
>libraries, exact terms I leave over to them.

JNLP is the Java Network Launching Protocol. Basically, the newest replacement for the Java PlugIn. All of my apps require JDK 1.4 anyways, because I use the new methods (like String.split)...

I don't the licensing issue would come into play (since it distributes more like an Applet), as long as the necessary files were on the server. Does that sound right to everyone?
