Re: Use of <appinfo> with JAXB

From: Pratt, Jerald <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 23:13:12 -0700

The 3rd party schemas that I'm trying to use are provided by OpenGIS group
( I'm currently using the GML v3.0.0 though I saw today
there is an update (v3.0.1). The problems that I'm having with trying to
compile these XML schemas with JAXB are

1) The GML (openGIS) use of <appinfo> in their schema files. I'm not sure
exactly why JAXB has a problem but if I simply comment out the <appinfo>
element then I get past this problem. As I provided before, the XJC error
message from the XJC ant task is:

        [xjc] [ERROR] unexpected character literal
        [xjc] line 4 of basicTypes.xsd

I get this for a few of the schema files but not all of them.

2) The GML schemas implement "abstract" attribute (abstract="true") on some
of their elements. In this case, the error message that I get is:

        [xjc] [ERROR] unsupported schema feature: "abstract" attribute of
<element> is not supported
        [xjc] line 38 of gmlBase.xsd

So my question is why do these schema files have a problem with the
<appinfo> line and when will/might support be available for "abstract"
attributes of elements? And, is there any other work around that I might be
able to use given that I don't own these XML schema files?

If anyone is interested in looking at the OpenGIS xml Schema files, they can
go to or let me know and I can provide them in a zip file.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Pl?mpe []
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:17 AM
To: Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML Binding
Cc: Pratt, Jerald
Subject: Re: Use of <appinfo> with JAXB

Hi Jerald,

> was able to get successful validation via XmlSpy, but as many have
> suggested, XmlSpy does not provide the best validation results.
try validating the instance document and/or your schemas with e.g. xsv
( or Xerces. That should
give you more (or less) confidence in the files you are working with and
should help figuring out whether the error you are encountering is
JAXB's fault.
