Use of <appinfo> with JAXB

From: Pratt, Jerald <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:22:57 -0700

I'm getting an error message regarding the use of the <appinfo> element when
running xjc (from the xjc ant task) for some 3rd party schemas that I have.
I am using jwsdp-1.2 that I recently downloaded and installed on Win2k. The
error message is:

 [xjc] [ERROR] unexpected character literal
 [xjc] line 4 of geometryBasic0d1d.xsd

and I get this from multiple files in the same namespace with the same
issue. When examining each of these files, I found that there is an
<annoation> element block right after the initial <schema> element and
inside this <annoation> block is an <appinfo> element. If I simply comment
out the <appinfo> element, then the XJC task continues w/out errors.

Are there specific limitations with JAXB regarding the use of <appinfo>? Or
is this an illegal use of the <appinfo> element?

The start of the XML Schema document looks like this:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <schema targetNamespace=""

      Copyright (c) 2001-2002 OGC, All Rights Reserved.
 <!-- ============================================================== -->
   <include schemaLocation="measures.xsd">
       <documentation>This includes not only measures.xsd, but also
units.xsd, gmlBase.xsd and basicTypes.xsd.</documentation>
   ............. <!-- the rest of the xml schema file follows --> .......

Enclosed is the complete 3rd party Xml Schema library that I'm using for
reference. I have actually found a variety of problems with trying to get
JAXB to compile this schema library (<appinfo>, use of abstract elements,
recursive behavior, etc.) so I'm not sure if this will be useful or not. I
was able to get successful validation via XmlSpy, but as many have
suggested, XmlSpy does not provide the best validation results.

Jerald Pratt

Jerald Pratt
Northrop Grumman IT
(858) 621-5479