Validation Error with optional sequence containing optional elements

From: A. Messner <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 16:01:36 +0200


I've come across a JAXB validation problem.

Given the following schema:


<xsd:complexType name="FooType">
   <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xsd:element name="Element1" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="Element2" type="xsd:string"/>
      <xsd:element name="Element3" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

<xsd:element name="Foo" type="FooType"/>


the XML document


should be validated successfully. However, JAXB throws the following

com.sun.msv.verifier.ValidityViolation: tag name "Element2" is not
allowed. Possible tag names are: <Element1>

This occurs only if the sequence itself is optional (i.e. minOccurs=0).
I have searched the mailing list archive and the bug parade but found no
hint wheter the problem has been encountered before.

I have attached a small demo app which allows testing the error.

Best regards,
Albrecht Messner                         Encorus Technologies
Senior Software Engineer                 Industriestrasse 3
email:      70565 Stuttgart
phone: +49 711 / 22061-253               Germany