Re: how to avoid duplicated (generated) classes?

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 12:44:57 +0100

You can compile several schema files in a single xjc run, and this
will generate each class, once.

But what is the problem if they are generated repeatedly (except for a
few wasted cycles)?


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:38 PM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some separate *.xsd structures, sharing all the same common *.xsd
> structure:
> A.xsd
> +- a-Types.xd
> +- common.xsd
> +- person.xsd
> +- adress.xsd
> +- ...xsd
> B.xsd
> +- b-Types.xd
> +- common.xsd
> +- person.xsd
> +- adress.xsd
> +- ...xsd
> What I finally want is the following packages, containing the (XJC)
> generated JAXB classes:
> com.mycompany.a
> com.mycompany.b
> com.mycompany.common
> com.mycompany.person
> com.mycompany.adress
> How can I avoid common.xsd, person.xsd and adress.xsd being generated
> multiple times?
> thanx, Torsten