Re: Version conflicts with JAXB in NetBeans and JDK 1.6

From: Milan Kuchtiak <Milan.Kuchtiak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 17:02:01 +0200


For Tomcat, you need to specify the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environment variable,
that will reference the directory containing jaxb-api.jar (the same as
bundled with Netbeans).

Example :
export JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/endorsed


Johnny Tolliver wrote:

>What version of JAXB is built in to JDK 1.6.0_01? I am experiencing some
>conflicts. Here are the details.
>I have a web app built with NetBeans 5.5 using the JAXB 2.0 that's bundled
>with NetBeans. It has worked fine in Tomcat 5.5.23 up until we upgraded the
>server machine to JDK 1.6.0_01. Now I see the following error:
>needs 2.1 API. Use the endorsed directory mechanism to place
>jaxb-api.jar in the bootstrap classloader. (See
>Sounds like a version mismatch between the JAXB jars in Java 6 and the JAXB
>jars bundled with my WAR file. My first thought was to not bundle the JAXB
>2.0 jars provided by NetBeans into the WAR file. If I do that, after setting
>the NB source version to 1.6, and try to the web app again, I get this
>from the line of code that attempts to set the
>com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.namespacePrefixMapper property to my
>NamespacePrefixMapper implementation.
>If I remove that line, then all is well -- except for the namespace prefix
>mapping, of course.
>I see three possible sources of conflict:
>1) the JAXB version I used when xjc-compiling the schema (which I can't
>exactly remember)
>2) the JAXB version used by NetBeans 5.5 when building the WAR
>3) the JAXB version used by Tomcat running on JDK1.6.0_01
>And I've got three questions:
>1) How should I resolve all these possible conflicts? (I.e., what version of
>JAXB should I use for the xjc-compile, and how can I get NB 5.5 to use that
>same version?)
>2) Same question but for NB 6.0 M9?
>3) How can I get the namespace prefix mapping working again with the correct
>versions of JAXB everywhere?
>Johnny S. Tolliver
>Oak Ridge National Laboratory
>, 865-574-1305
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