Re: <xjc:simple> and plurals

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:54:03 +0200

Writing such an element will add another method to the ObjectFactory which
will give you, for schema type X, the possibility to create a JAXBElement<X>
using a parameter of type X. (This is, of course, just that what the final
remark in KK's blog suggests.)

But I have no idea whetehr Apache CXF is prepared to handle this - I didn't
know you weren't calling marshal yourself.


On 6/18/09, nicolas de loof <> wrote:
> Could you please explain the <element> definitions strategy ?
> I don't myself invoke JAXB (I'm using Apache CXF) so I can't pass custom
> code.
> 2009/6/18 Wolfgang Laun <>
>> I've worked around this either by providing <element> definitions, at the
>> outermost schema nesting level, or by using the technique indicated at the
>> end of your reference, implemented as a generic method, see
>> But I can imagine that neither is acceptable to you.
>> -W
>> On 6/18/09, nicolas de loof <> wrote:
>>> To support IDREFs and @XmlRootElement as explained here :
>>> 2009/6/18 Wolfgang Laun <>
>>>> On 6/18/09, nicolas de loof <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> is there any way to disable plural generation when <xjc:simple> is
>>>>> enabled ?
>>>>> As my wsdl uses french names and allready pluralize attributes, this
>>>>> generates funny names (I find them funny, my collegues don't)
>>>> Parbleu! This must sound like Gollum programming ;-)
>>>> But what else do you nedd xjc:simple for?
>>>> -W
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Nicolas