Re: JAXB distribution rights?

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 11:28:43 -0400

Andrew Ferguson wrote:

> hi,
> is it legal to distribute the JAXB run-time jars with an application
> I've developed?
> this is purely end-user customer usage - ie no development with jaxb,
> just an application that happens to do its XML processing using JAXB. I
> could potentially remove JAXB and replace it with SAX/DOM in the project
> since its only used in one package, but this is a hefty amount of work
> I'd much rather avoid.
> I will have to run this through our legal department either way, so I'm
> not looking for legal advice but rather just an informal "yes that
> sounds compatible with the license" or "no that doesn't sound
> compatible"
> its just that this link suggests its not?
> but I could have misunderstood the phrase "Can someone explain to me why
> Sun does not allow JAXB to be distributed freely and ..."

Please do not ever base licensing and distribution decisions on what you
find on the web. Andreas obviously does not understand the licensing terms
for JAXB and it is unfortunate that he didn't contact someone at Sun before
publishing that comment.

To address your questions, yes, JAXB is redistributable. You are free to
ship the binaries with your product according the guidelines listed in the
JWSDP release notes[1] and license[2]. The release notes list which jars
you are required and allowed to ship.

What makes the JWSDP license a little confusing is that it outlines terms
for two different kinds of components in the pack: "Early Access (EA)" and
"First Customer Ship (FCS)". The EA parts of the license restrict the usage
and distribution of products that aren't 100% stable. This does not apply
to JAXB, which is an FCS component. Another slightly confusing aspect of
the license is that it contains a lot of boilerplate information that is
clarified in the release notes for redistributable components[1]. We are
working to make this easier to understand.

In the mean time, please have your legal department review this information
and feel free to contact us if you have additional questions. We also have
a private e-mail alias if you would prefer to continue this discussion off
the list:

The other thing to keep in mind is that the weekly builds available on are protected by a different license altogether. These
builds are for evaluation only and can not be redistributed.


--Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.


> thanks,
> Andrew
> ps. the jars I'm interested in are (which all comes from the web
> developer pack 1.3)
> jaxb-libs.jar
> xsdlib.jar
> jaxb-xjc.jar
> namespace.jar
> jaxb-api.jar
> sax.jar
> relaxngDatatype.jar
> jax-qname.jar
> jaxb-impl.jar
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