Re: unable to use the jaxb2-basics plugin

From: John G. Lussmyer <Cougar_at_CasaDelGato.Com>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 08:10:11 -0700

On 8/25/2011 12:09 AM, Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Is there any documentation on just what these strategies do?
> Isn't it obvious from interfaces/implementation? What would you expect
> this method to do? :)
> public interface CopyStrategy {
> public boolean copy(ObjectLocator locator, boolean value);
> ...
> }
> Anyway, with "normal" usage (just toString(), equals(...), hashCode())
> you don't need to mess with strategies at all. You only need
> strategies if you want to do some "custom" object comparison. For
> instance, if you want to know, where exactly two objects differ, you
> can achieve this with a custom strategy.

Thanks for the ptr to excluding fields. I had read those docs, but that
part just didn't register with me.
(Probably working on too many projects at once again. sigh..)

One thing I'm wondering is just what is the POINT of all the strategy
and complex code usage?
Rather than just generating a simple block of code for equals, it
generates something that requires use of external code methods- which
means I now have to track versions of Yet Another library, AND it makes
debuging/tracing through the code that much more difficult.