Gary Gregory wrote:
> I want to use Jaxb for the containing document and then pass on the
> string or DOM Node or /whatever/ down to our other code pile.
You might want to try using the <xjc:dom> customization[1].
> This Schema snippet allows my example document to be validated in XMLSpy
> as well as parsed by the generated Jaxb code but the "contents" are
> null:
> RequestSetType requestSet =RequestSetType) unmarshaller
> .unmarshal(new StringReader(xml), RequestSetType.class);
> RequestType[] req =equestSet.getRequest();
> for (int i =; i < req.length; i++) {
> InputType input =eq[i].getInput();
> Object any =nput.getAny();
> Assert.assertNotNull(any); // blows up
> }
> Is it possible to get Jaxb to give me /something/ for the contents of
> <Input>?
I would expect this to work. Which version of JAXB are you running?
It would be very helpful if you could reduce this down to a small
self-contained test case and file a bug[1] for us to investigate.
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